When speakers sound too bright, it may cause listener fatigue and ruin your listening experience. It could be worse for some who need to keep

It is an exciting day, you have just installed new car speakers. You are exhilarated to give it a test run and so you start

There are a lot of debates about underpowering your speakers. Some say it will cause damages and others state that it is actually beneficial for

This is a question been asked many times and with all sorts of answers, supported by facts, logical or illogical reasoning, or just simply blatant

If you really are worried about feedback damaging your speakers and want to protect your speakers as much as possible. Maybe you should add fuses

A question that pops up every now and then, either from a friend of mine or from a total stranger on the internet. Either out

YouTube has employed several systems to protect the ownership of creators and the rights to reproduce the work. The platform uses several automated methods like

We all know that dreaded feeling, that fear when the amp just goes off as you turn up the volume while you are listening to

A highly popular streamer and former professional player at Counter Strike: Global Offensive, Michael Grzesiek, better known by the name Shroud, is also famous for

You want to start vlogging, whether you have some cool topics to approach or you simply want to become an Internet sensation. You might end